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AppleScript Automation

You may have reached this site from my other life at Automated Workflows and Scripting Matters where the specialty was/is publishing automation chiefly using AppleScript.

Although I’m not actively seeking any new clients, I’m still open to more projects if the fit works for us both. I have some long-time clients maintaining and enhance automation systems. They remain very happy with my work and find it saves a great deal of time and money. They most appreciate my creative approach, communication skills, and easy-going manner.

Maybe you haven’t heard of AppleScript, or think it is going away. It is not currently the it thing with Apple, but still does some incredible things, especially in the publishing world.

Maybe your are concerned that it is old technology which may not be enhanced much if at all? Those concerns have been around for over 30 years now. AppleScript just keeps going and helps computers to do what we originally thought they would do: automate tedious tasks. It is not unusual for a six-week project to be reduced to one or two days of work.

AppleScript uses English-like syntax which is familiar for us English speakers, though most true programmers want a more structured language. However, the English-like syntax allows me to transition from the Qigong/Tai Chi world and back into AppleScript creation very quickly.

If you are interested in finding out more, please use the Contact tab above and we can discuss. Cheers!
