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Ray Robertson and Still Waters Qigong LLC make no suggestions, claims, or recommendations regarding any medical therapy or treatments. For medical advice, consult with a qualified physician before starting this practice. If you have any major mental health issues, contact a mental health professional before starting this practice. Still Waters Qigong strives to keep all information on this website up to date, but cannot guarantee the information provided is accurate. This information is provided “as is” with no express or implied warranty. Any mistakes in this information that are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. Still Waters Qigong reserves the right to change any information on this website at any time. Still Waters Qigong accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person suffers because that person has directly or indirectly relied on any information on this website.

Copyright Still Waters Qigong claims copyright ownership of all information on this website unless expressly stated otherwise. Statement of Acceptable Use No information may be used for commercial purposes, unless and until the Still Waters Qigong gives written permission.