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Buddha Crane Qigong System
A new system of gentle movements and held postures

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“Still Waters Run Deep”

Most of us know that expression. I learned that in China there is a similar saying: “Tranquil Waters Flow Deep.”

We all know the challenges of the shallows of life. The water flows too quickly, whether needing to paddle with or against the flow. The risk of running aground or even turning over has us in a constant fight-or-flight mode, building up anxiety in our modern world.

As a software engineer for over 30 years, I know constant stress with the ever-present rapids of upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. Through the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong, I found deeper, calmer waters where I learned to breathe and relax. I’m still learning…still seeking those deep, tranquil waters.

Qigong is an ancient healing energy practice for overall wellness, often referred to as “meditation with movement.” More Americans are familiar with Tai Chi, which was originally a martial arts subset of Qigong. The practice of Qigong itself focuses on overall wellness. Through gentle and slow movements and meditation, Qigong seeks to cleanse the body of stagnant energy and recharge the spirit with harmonizing qi (pronounced “chee” and meaning “life energy” or “life breath”).

Qigong is a path to calmer breath and still waters.

Ray Robertson 

My recent blogs

A new effort in sharing Qigong and Tai Chi

I’m ready to share the healing practices of Qigong and Tai Chi with both a larger region, and with other......

Doulas and mindfulness for birth and death

Many people are not familiar with the term doula. Based on a Greek word for female helper, a doula is......

Practicing mindfulness on a disc golf course

In Halifax County, Virginia, we are fortunate to have a great and well-maintained disc golf course at Edmunds’ Park. I’m......