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Qigong for addictions and cravings

Update: Embedded video added:

It is a long story on how this new form came into being. For now, I will just settle on sharing what I wrote for the local newspaper…

A humble effort at providing relief from addictions and cravings

Less than three months after moving to South Boston VA in 2022, we got a terrible phone call. It was what every parent fears: our child was dead.

Daniel was 29. He was an alcoholic and had other challenges in life. He seemed to be turning a corner after many struggles. But then he decided to go to a party in the woods and drink all night. While drinking didn’t kill him, his alcoholism put him in a place where he would die of fentanyl poisoning.

Daniel was unlucky: he was born with an addictive personality. Those of us who don’t have that can’t fully understand the struggle. Yet all of us have cravings for things which seem irresistible. Sometimes, I’m addicted to worry and anxiety.

I teach Qigong, a mind/body practice which is often described as “meditation with movement.” It has helped me tremendously, and I’ve spent many, many hours learning ancient Qigong forms. I’ve read about how it can help with addiction. I’m highly motivated to explore that further.

Recently, I was given a gift: new Qigong movements with the intention of helping people deal with addictions and cravings. When this happened suddenly, I was shocked but grateful. I felt a call to action, but understand that I teach evidence-based classes. Using my logical mind, I wanted to proceed slowly and first quantify how well this worked for people.

Then the word came: don’t wait. Addiction is a huge problem in our nation and in our community. Being a spiritual person, I needed to follow the call. Keep faith. Accept that this is something which feels so real, so true, even if I can’t explain it.  

Last week, we drove to our favorite camping spot on the New River. The ancient river is a powerful place. This last-minute trip had a single purpose: record a video which I would share freely for whenever people are in need.

The evening we got home, I posted it on YouTube. You can find it by simply typing in “Jack of Hearts Qigong” in the search field or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/johqigong.

I do not profit from this. It is available to view or send to a loved one. If it helps just one person, that is enough.

Lastly, you might wonder…why Jack of Hearts?

That was our boy.

Update: More details added for Buddha Dragon of Jack of Hearts Qigong:

Update: More details added for the first Detox movement of Jack of Hearts Qigong:
